2017-09-11 11:23Pressmeddelanden

Silicon Valley angel calls Tesla Model 3 greatest tech product ever created

Tesla Tesla

Silicon Valley angel investor Jason Calacanis has some really kind words to say about his new Tesla Model 3. In a series of tweets, Calacanis describes his gorgeous red Founders Series Model 3 as “a masterpiece” that drives like a Porsche but at one-third the cost.

Calacanis was one of the first people to take delivery of a Model 3 and the first Model S owner (Signature Series 001). He also owns the 16th Tesla Roadster produced and another Model S, making it a four-Tesla family. Though Calacanis made it clear in his tweets that they aren’t meant to serve as a review, his sentiments certainly has many Model 3 reservations holders more anxious than ever to take delivery.

Model 3 is “one of the 3 greatest tech products ever created, right alongside the PC/Mac & the smartphone/iPhone”, says the serial entrepreneur.

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